Unethical Vs Ethical Billing

Empowering RDHs to navigate ethical dilemmas and transform your mindset on billing practices.

  • Canada RDHs

  • 1 hour CEU

  • Real life skills

  • Worksheet 

    Why take this course?

    • This course will:

      • Explore ethical boundaries and considerations in billing practices
      • Provide clarity on what constitutes ethical versus unethical billing
    • Participants will learn:

      • To navigate complex billing scenarios
      • Ensure compliance and integrity in their professional conduct

    Receive a CEU for launching your career to the next level. What will knowing this information do for you?
    • Increase your employability
    • Increase your chances of receiving a high wage/raise
    • Arming yourself with knowledge is arming yourself with power

    Receive 1 CEU for attending

    Unethical Vs Ethical Billing

    • Author: Nadia Rossi, RDH
    • Level: Everyone
    • Study time: 1 CEU
    • Video time: 1 Hour
    Write your awesome label here.